Saturday, August 20, 2005

East Nashville Tomato Festival 2005

here to download video(12.7MB Quicktime).

Tomatoes have a right to life, too! The inspiration for this short film was the controversy on the local list.serve. There were those who wanted to have fun tossing tomatoes and taking their anger out on the abandoned building where local prostitutes and drug dealers did their business. The building would be humiliated first by the crowd's tomato mayhem, then sumarily demolished. Then, there are those peaceful types who'd rather can the tomatoes for the hungry, and who prefer not to mock those less fortunate than they no matter how wayward they've gone. Featuring Vickie and Dan of the band, Betty Dylan, with their song "The Alchemist" (unreleased), and an angry East Nashville mob.


At 8/23/2005 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!

I love it!

Maybe next year we can throw tomatoes at "Ghost Ballet for the East Bank Machineworks".

At 8/23/2005 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Self righteous much?

At 8/23/2005 5:48 PM, Blogger bettydylan said...

Anonymous much?

At 8/23/2005 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who attended, participated in, or were amused by the Tomato Toss, check out the link below....

As long as there are people anywhere in the world who go hungry (and Nashville has plenty of them), this type of activity will never be fun or funny.

(Reprinted from the East Nashville list.serve without abbreviated.)

At 8/23/2005 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did you know, or ask, the state of the tomatoes that were thrown?

Once again, I you think we are insensitive enough to waste edible food and not feed our hungry?

I think it's worse taste and worse judgement to exploit and sensationalize using pictures of starving children.

Warmest Regards,

(Reprinted from the East Nashville abbreviated.)

At 8/23/2005 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I saw the video.

A) It wasn't fun, funny, or amusing. It wasn't even well done.

B) The tomatoes used looked perfectly edible.

C) The kid in the United Nations photo was probably existing on dirt. An overripe tomato would have een
a godsend.

D) What were your words, BB? "Exploitative"?
"Sensational"? Have you seen the films of the people
of Niger that have been on the news recently? Are those pictures "exploitative" and "sensational" as well? Is it "sensational" when an entire country full of people is starving to death?

E) "Insensitive", "Uncaring", "Obtuse" mmmmm Those words come to mind when I think of the kind of people who would participate in and/or defend such a stupid event as the Tomato Toss.

(Reprinted from the East Nashville abbreviated. Yes, these comments are all REAL.)

At 8/23/2005 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hmmmm-Sorry you feel that way.

(Reprinted from the East Nashville abbreviated.)

At 8/23/2005 5:59 PM, Blogger bettydylan said...


Thanks for being passionate! it's very kewl that you feel that way and you make some excellent points.

However, we did not create the tomato toss. But, as artists, we saw that there was something about it that we wanted to point out. Our art (that was not fun, funny or amusing to you) is proving to be quite provocative. We're sorry we couldn't personally rescue the tomatoes and deliver them to Africa, but at least we raised the issue which I guess is better than sitting in front of the TV.

Love & Peace,
Dan & Vickie
(aka Betty Dylan)

(Reprinted from the East Nashville list.serve)

At 8/24/2005 9:25 AM, Blogger bettydylan said...

If you're having trouble viewing Quicktime videos, you can download the free Quicktime Player for Mac and Windows at Apple's website:

At 8/24/2005 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great piece! What a HOOT!

I loved the editing and can't wait to see the next installment!

The stench of those dieing tomatoes will never be forgotten... thought I could save one before the toss, but the flies were already procreating.

I wonder if any voluntary seedlings sprout up in the spring at the construction sight??!! (mmm... an interesting follow-up to this compelling saga)

At 8/28/2005 11:26 PM, Blogger Le Synge Bleu said...

that's what it's all about - seizing the opportunity to create - and sparking discourse in the process. hearty applause and many delicious possibly borderline suicidal) tomatoes to ya.


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